#122: The Ultimate Entrepreneur Holiday Gift List
Dec 02, 2022
Trying to figure out what gifts to ask for this holiday season?
The holidays are coming and if you want to add something special to your wish list to help your business grow in the new year, you’ll love this episode. I’m coming at you with the ultimate entrepreneur wish list and sharing some ideas of my favourite tools, books and must-haves if you run your own business.
To make it even easier for you to give someone a gentle 'nudge-nudge' to put something from this list under the tree for you this year, I’ve put everything together with the links of where to find these entrepreneur essentials at janditchfield.co/wishlist. Grab that link and pass it along to the person who’s spoiling you this year.
So what made the list?
So many things! I wanted to try and cover all aspects of being your own boss, so I have things to make your day to day easier, some pick me ups to keep you going, a couple of things to be good to yourself at the end of the day, and one thing that it purely because you deserve nice things.
Let’s check out this list!
The holidays are coming and if you want to add something special to your wish list to help your business grow in the new year, you’ll love this episode. I’m coming at you with the ultimate entrepreneur wish list and sharing some ideas of my favourite tools, books and must-haves if you run your own business.
To make it even easier for you to give someone a gentle 'nudge-nudge' to put something from this list under the tree for you this year, I’ve put everything together with the links of where to find these entrepreneur essentials at janditchfield.co/wishlist. Grab that link and pass it along to the person who’s spoiling you this year.
So what made the list?
So many things! I wanted to try and cover all aspects of being your own boss, so I have things to make your day to day easier, some pick me ups to keep you going, a couple of things to be good to yourself at the end of the day, and one thing that it purely because you deserve nice things.
Let’s check out this list!