Join My FREE Mastermind

Be Part of an Inner Circle of Women in Small Business Creating a Community Unlike Anything Seen Before


Let's Hangout LIVE in this FREE Mastermind!

I have an idea brewing in my head and I can't let it go...


Imagine where a community of women...

who are dedicated to changing the conversation about female-led small business could lead us in 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years from now.


A place where we celebrate women ...

who are impacting change, while shaping the conversation around the future of business.


You can be part of creating a movement...

that will transform the future of women-owned business.


Years from now, you'll look back on this and say "do you remember when...".

And that can all begin today.

Join me and become part of the inner circle in my Free Mastermind on March 23, 2022.

Let's create change...together.


A Note From Jan...

This idea has got me so excited...

For several months, I've been getting messages from women reaching out with questions like "is there a way we can do more to highlight women creating real change with their businesses?" or "can we find more ways to support each other to succeed?"

I don't have all of the answers, but the vision is there. And that's why I'd love for you to join me as part of my inner circle to shape this idea together. 

Save our seat and let's shape a community that will serve all of us as we make progress toward transforming the future of business for good.


Save Your Seat

Join me on March 23 at 1pm ET on Zoom for a conversation about creating a one-of-a-kind community for women in small business. Let's build something magical...together!